The mission of the church is to see the people groups of the world reached for Christ, but venturing in that task is daunting. We're here to help you make sense of our call....

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Chinese Mythology

Chinese Mythology is a resource for Chinese or those working with ethnic Chinese around the world. It addresses common presupposit...

Worldviews and culture are shaped by the stories we tell ourselves and others to make sense of the world around us. This resource helps identify beliefs that contradict Scripture, which need to be dealt with in evangelism and discipleship with Chinese people.

Chinese Mythology

Chinese Mythology is a resource for Chinese or those working with ethnic Chinese around the world. It addresses common presuppositions in Chinese thought, defines important philosophical terms, and summarizes mythological stories from China’s recognized 56 ethnic groups, all of which contribute to shaping of culture.

Returnees Returning the Right Way

Returnees (Hǎiguī in Mandarin) are a people's best and brightest that travel abroad to advance their education and career, but exp...

There was once a proud frog (青蛙 Qīngwā) that lived in a well, content with the home that he had. Curious, a sea turtle (海龟 Hǎiguī) looked down and asked the frog if he had ever seen the vast sea (大海 Dàhǎi). Realizing his perspective was limited in scope and experiences, he became ashamed. The sea turtle proudly returned (归 guī) to the sea where he felt most comfortable while the other "frog at the bottom of a well" (井底之蛙 Jǐngdǐzhīwā) remained where he was most comfortable. The cosmopolitan (四海为家 Sìhǎi wéi jiā) sea turtle wandered aimlessly (四海飘零 Sìhǎi piāolíng) in the sea with no direction or purpose. Returnees (海归 Hǎiguī) Returning the Right Way is a practical missiological article based on a Biblical foundation intended for mainland Chinese Christians to grapple with as they return to 'home'. Their cultural and linguistic heritage and cross-cultural experiences conflicted and contrasted with the anti-religious laws of the People's Republic of China. As the Chinese idiom expresses, wandering sea turtles lack direction and purpose, and the frog remained at the bottom of the well, having never benefited from the wisdom and experience of the sea turtle.

Returnees Returning the Right Way

Returnees (Hǎiguī in Mandarin) are a people's best and brightest that travel abroad to advance their education and career, but experience reverse culture shock upon their return.

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