Customized Discipleship Plans (CDP) are growth plans that evolve to meet the spiritual needs of a group or individual.

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CDP's make use of parallel related lessons, recommended resources, etc. found in the Discipleship Roadmap (DRM). A CDP can be a unique combination of the training workshops mentioned in the Training and Resource Catalog (TRC), recommended third party...

The disciple-maker sets the course of the disciple’s journey, adapting along the way as life changes direction. Don't forget to incorporate your own church's training into the customized plan.

Christ-Centered Communities

Christ-Centered Communities (CCC) is a church membership leader’s guide, to be used with Christians wishing to join a local church...

Christ-Centered Communities (CCC) is the first step in developing institutional culture, terminology, and strategy within your church. Incorporating your church's unique characteristics with this Biblical framework will allow you to streamline and develop intentional discipleship pathways.

Christ-Centered Communities

Christ-Centered Communities (CCC) is a church membership leader’s guide, to be used with Christians wishing to join a local church. It’s intended to complement your church’s unique church membership material, doctrinal statement, constitution, etc. Church leaders use the CCC leader’s guide to engage with those applying for church membership, assess their understanding of the gospel, and propose a Customized Discipleship Plan (CDP) either as an intentional pre-cursory requirement or post-membership discipleship plan.

Christ-Centered Worship

Christ-Centered Worship (CCW) is a strategic planning guide for pastors and worship leaders that expands the purpose of the church...

Christ-Centered Worship (CCW) builds on the foundation of Christ Centered Communities (CCC) institutional culture, strategy, and terminology, by helping church leadership develop purposeful and strategic worship that leads to God honoring service and love for others.

Christ-Centered Worship

Christ-Centered Worship (CCW) is a strategic planning guide for pastors and worship leaders that expands the purpose of the church found in the Discipleship Roadmap (DRM) and develop a theology and philosophy of corporate worship that transcend cultures, but with the freedom to still be culturally appropriate.

Clay Counseling & Integration Filter

The Clay Counseling & Integration Filter (CCIF) is a practical and visually memorable guide for pastors, parents, teachers, and la...

God calls us to be ready to give a defense to the gospel, but what about when people are hurting? The (CCIF) lays out a simple but powerful tool to help Christians acknowledge, empathize, filter truth, and prayerfully discern before responding with redemptive stories and inductive questions that will help hurting people get into Scripture and discover for themselves how they should respond to the difficult circumstances they find themselves.

Clay Counseling & Integration Filter

The Clay Counseling & Integration Filter (CCIF) is a practical and visually memorable guide for pastors, parents, teachers, and lay counselors that have taken the Good Soil Training Seminar ( listed in the Training and Resource Catalog (TRC) with a basic understanding of deconstructing worldviews, so as to use Biblical stories to assess one’s theological understanding through a simplified systematic theological grid, challenge one’s thinking, and determine a course of action or Customized Discipleship Plan (CDP). Additionally the CCIF gives practical examples of Biblical Worldview Integration for teachers to use in humanities subjects in the classroom that dovetails with principles found in Christ Centered Education (CCE).

Christ-Centered Education

Chris-Centered Education (CCE) is a Customized Discipleship Plan (CDP) leader’s guide designed to take parents, pastors, and educa...

Christ-Centered Education (CCE) helps people step back and see who's primarily responsible for instilling Godly values in children. This holistic approach seeks to bring the parents, local church leadership, and Christian educators into greater partnership for the sake of the next generation. CCE dovetails with the Clay Counseling & Integration Filter (CCIF) in providing a tangible tool in discipling your own children or using it in the classroom with students.

Christ-Centered Education

Chris-Centered Education (CCE) is a Customized Discipleship Plan (CDP) leader’s guide designed to take parents, pastors, and educators through a strategic look at four historic forms of Christian education to help individuals and communities make wise, sustainable, reproducible, and affordable decisions in educating children within the context you live.

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