Kerusso Media exists to develop quality Biblical discipleship tools to assist in making reproducible, transcultural disciple-makers for an ever-changing world....

Our Theological values

Authority of Scripture

We value scripture over experience, autonomy of the local church over para-church organizations and denominations, and quality disciple-maker’s over quantity of disciples.

Consistent Theology

We prioritize a consistent theology and philosophy over methodologies that expire or fail to transfer across cultures and generations.


We affirm the gospel of Christ is an extension of God’s love and grace for the world, and therefore the most loving and gracious thing we can do for one another is to hold each other accountable.

Biblical Justice

We recognize equity is a man centered form of justice that distracts from the true gospel of Christ, but see Biblical justice as the foundation to societal justice.

Biblical Principles

We adhere to Biblical principles alone as the lens with which to view the complexities and diversity in the created beings that bare God’s image.

Biblical Worldview

We believe sexual orientation and identity is derived from a modern humanistic worldview that elevates human rationalization over the authority of Scripture.

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